Sql Server For Mac Docker

By: Last Updated: 2016-12-14 Related Tips: > Problem Microsoft released SQL Server vNext which allows you to install SQL Server on Linux. In this tip, we will look at how to install SQL Server vNext CTP1 as a Docker container on Mac OS. Solution SQL Server enthusiasts must have been super excited to hear about the first release of SQL Server vNext at Microsoft Connect() 2016 and in this tip we will walk through how to get this installed. There are few infrastructure configurations that need to be completed before getting SQL Server to run on your Mac.

SQLServer has traditionally run only on Windows. New for 2017 is the ability to install server instances and work with databases on Linux and in Docker containers, which opens the possibility of running SQL Server on macOS. SQL Server 2017可以在Docker中的独立容器中运行。 docker run -d --name sql_server_demo -e'ACCEPT_EULA = Y'-e'SA_PASSWORD = reallyStrongPwd123'-p 1433:1433 microsoft / mssql-server-linux.

It would be fair to assume that many SQL Server DBAs are not very familiar with Linux, because up until now all SQL Server releases were only supported on Windows (except very early releases of SQL Server that supported UNIX based OS called OS/2). The software development strategies have been changed with the release of the DevOps model and the Docker container concept is one such new development strategy. The SQL Server vNext CTP1 is available as a Docker container for Linux and Windows as a result you can get SQL Server up and running on your machine in few minutes regardless of the OS.

How to Install Docker on a Mac This is one of the pre-requisites to install SQL Server vNext on a Mac. Docker provides a virtualization layer to run a piece of software in a complete file system that contains everything needed to run the software program including code, system tools, configurations, system libraries, etc. So when you get the particular Docker container for SQL Server, it has everything needed to run SQL Server on top of the Docker service. Installing Docker on a Mac is nothing different than installing any other program on a Mac. You just need to download Docker.dmg and follow the instructions. Below are some screenshots captured during the installation. Click the 'Apply & Restart' button for the changes to take effect.

You will notice the status changes to 'Docker restarting.' And after a while it shows as 'Docker is running'.

With that done, the infrastructure is ready to run SQL Server vNext as a Docker container. You should also be familiar with some Docker commands to manage Docker. Download and Install SQL Server vNext Docker Container on Mac For this task, we need to open Mac Terminal and issue the following commands. Pull the Docker image from the Docker Hub.

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Sudo is required since it needs admin privileges. Note: Sometimes copy and paste commands in a Terminal Window do weird things to the formatting. After copying, hyphens and quotation marks change to different characters.

If that happens you will get errors stating some characters are NOT VALID. DO NOT panic, just delete them and re-type the correct character(s) in the Terminal Window, then all should work with no issues. Once this is done, you have installed SQL Server and it's running as a Docker image. Now you need to know a few Docker commands to see the status of Docker. Again you need to run these commands in a Mac Terminal.

Managing Docker You can issue the below commands in a Terminal Window. Command Description docker ps List of containers which are running at the moment. Docker ps -a To list all containers that are attached to the Docker. The below screenshot shows the output of this command.

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You can see, the STATUS column is 'Exited', meaning the SQL Server image is not running at the moment. So you need to start the SQL Server Docker container. Docker start start a particular Docker image docker stop stop a particular Docker image What About SQL Server Client Tools The most favorite tool for SQL Server DBAs is (SSMS). The next question is how to install SSMS in Linux. Unfortunately a native build of SSMS for Linux is NOT YET available as of today. However you can use command line tools such as PowerShell or SQL-CLI. Install SQL-CLI on Mac First you need to install node.js on your Mac using the link mentioned under the Next Steps section below.