Software To Create A Netboot Image For Mac

In a previous article, I discussed how to. The NetInstall image created was merely a network-based image that could be used to install OS X from an OS X Server hosting the image and utilizing the NetInstall service. In this article, I'm customizing the System Image Utility image creation process using Automator to create a workflow that will carry out many of the redundant tasks associated with deploying an OS to many client devices. Before we get started, here are the requirements: • Apple computer running OS X (10.7+) as a reference workstation • Install OS (Mac App Store) • Apple computer running OS X Server (optional; required only if deploying via NetInstall) • NetInstall service (optional; required only if deploying over a network) • Switched network (optional; required only if deploying 1:many) • External HDD (optional; required only if deploying 1:1) • Administrative credentials.

The Mac bootable volume of the source computer is any volume other than the booted volume on which Mac operating system is installed and is used to create a NetBoot image. To create and modify Mac NetBoot image from Mac booted volume. Netboot image creation. My main interest is to deploy massively OSX. This let me to look into BSDP and The 'Create Netboot Image' is the way to make the nbi file. Free vpn client for mac. It will add the runtime (and some other Using BSDPy was the only addition to be able to netboot a Mac Client. This has permitted to.

Let's review the steps necessary to create an automated image with the System Image Utility. • On the reference workstation, launch System Image ( Figure A) by navigating to the following path: ~/System/Library/Core Services (10.7-10.9) ~/System/Library/Core Services/Applications (10.10 only) Figure A • By default, the Install OS file downloaded from the Mac App Store is downloaded to the Applications folder. If it isn't there, System Image Utility won't find the required source location and will fail to proceed. Once the file is copied to the Applications folder, System Image Utility will allow for the creation of a Network Disk Image. Select NetInstall Image and click Customize ( Figure B). Figure B • Agree to the EULA to proceed ( Figure C).


Figure C • On the following screen, there will be two windows presented: The System Image Utility ( Figure D) and the Automator Library ( Figure E). Figure D Figure E • As depicted in Figure D above, the first entry in the workflow is Define Image Source. This must always be the first entry, otherwise the image creating process will fail. There's a second workflow already added called Create Image. This must be the last entry in the workflow, as this processes how the image is created — and thus, the entire operation will fail if it isn't the last entry. • Adding workflows is a modular process, which means they are all self-contained and may be added in any particular order outside of the first and last entries mentioned in step #5.

Selecting the Partition Disk from the Automator Library, drag the entry over to the System Image Utility to add that workflow, and link it below the first item. Configure the entry as it suits your environment by selecting partition tables, naming, format types, and disk sizes that will be configured automatically by the image on destination computers ( Figure F). Figure F • Next, drag Enable Automated Installation and link it below the previous entry. Enable Automated Installation controls how OS X will be installed, particularly the Language and what partition it should be installed into based on the name of the volume.

I ran a speed test and was getting the expected 500MB/s speeds on the 'lower' drive, and the write test for the 'upper' drive was 500MB/s, but the read test completely failed. Samsung evo ssd reviews. I even put that SSD in an external enclosure and everything was working fine on multiple machines. Does anyone have any thoughts on why that may be happening? Perplexed, I switched it out for a traditional HDD in that spot and everything was gravy.