Onvif Player Os X

What is the point of ONVIF? It sounds completely stupid and a waste of time. The standard for all IP cameras is currently RTSP or RTP. AKA Real-Time Streaming Protocol, you can grab any IP camera's stream as long as you know the following information: IP address, port if any, and codec. With these three things, there is no reason why you cannot grab a stream from an IP camera. I figured this out when i was first playing around with various manufactures IP cameras and i needed to get all of the cameras streams onto one page. Most software does not support a huge variety of cameras so i had to figure another way.

Once i found out about the VLC plugin to stream RTSP i was able to make any camera i wanted compatible with my page. The base protocol is always going to be the standard for transmission.

For example i had a NVR management program that accepted alot of various cameras and support RTPS and ONVIF. I tried all the variations in the software to see which worked best. When i choose the camera by model (software was compatible with the camera) the connection was inconsistent or the software would not recognize the camera due to firmware version.

When i tried ONVIF, it went out and looked for the camera and added it to my streams, but it also had problems. Occassionally it would not find my camera and i would have to attempt this method a few times before it would realize there was an ONVIF compatible camera on the network and then you would still have to program the RTSP stream information. When i attempted the RTSP stream, i was giving it the direct information in which i knew was set internally on the camera and everything worked with ease. There was no firmware conflicts or any other problems once the correct information was entered. I wish i could say the same for the other two methods, but they both were flawed. What do you guys think about this (ONVIF) Open Network Video Interface Forum? Yes ONViF is bloated and not very well thought of.

It was designed and practicaly forcibly imposed upon the industry by three strong players: Sony, Axis and Bosch (an interesting thing here is that all three companies produce well-built, but otherwise mediocre IP cameras that are horribly overpriced, so only JVC is missing). PSIA (Physical Security Industry Alliance) has a competing standard that is much saner, REST-full and not SOAP/Webservices based and getting support from a wider pool of manufacturers (many Chinese and Taiwaneese brands that are the real future of the industry). AFAIK both standards support two types of streaming, traditional MJPEG over HTTP (that many older cameras use), and the leaner, more advanced MPEG4/H.264 over RTP/RTSP. Before, the industry was filled with proprietary derivative codecs but now it's all standard H.264 implementations mostly. A lot of manufacturers implement both standards. Anyway, if you will implement one, I'd go for PSIA, I'm sure it will eventually win as it's simpler AND tech-wise superior, and the camp consists of more active, leaner players in the market.

ONViF will be pushed by 'enterprise' vendors but that's a market that is only interesting to companies like Milestone or Netavis, and not interesting at all outside security industry.

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