Google Mail Clients For Mac

Apr 15, 2018 - After switching to Mac I continued to use Gmail, but as I was working from home I started experimenting with email clients again. 'liveslides auto start video \'powerpoint for mac 2016\''. These Mac mail apps help in organising email, searching through archives, and staying in touch Polymail is truly an amazing email client for Mac users: it is, unequivocally, the very helpful, cool CloudMagic works with Gmail, Exchange, Yahoo, Outlook/Hotmail, iCloud, Google Apps, Office 365.


Bill Gunn I had been using Free eM Client (2 accounts) for a while now. Truly, it has exceeded my expectations. I have a 'relatively slow' Internet connection, and Outlook would fall over repeatedly, timing out, regardless of how I configured it. Thunderbird kind of worked but was a royal PITA to work with (or at least to configure it to the way I wanted it to work). I finally decided to consolidate another external (gmail) account into eM Client, and paid for the pro version - awesome. Most folks usually write something when they want to complain - I do as well (LOL) - but I also like to say Thank You when you get a real good and well supported piece of software.