Newsstand App For Mac

Like Facebook and Snapchat, Apple has partnered with news publishers to deliver a beautiful and fast-loading editorial experience on its home turf: iOS devices. Apple News is a brand-new native app that and replaces Newsstand. Similar to Flipboard, News uses RSS feeds to pull together stories from different publishers in a magazine-style layout. News, however, doesn’t have Flipboard’s built-in social capabilities, like incorporating a feed of just links shared by your Twitter network. Previously, iOS devices had a Newsstand folder that served as a hub for newspaper and magazine apps. Newsstand is gone in iOS 9—while all of your Newsstand apps are still there, and any newspaper or magazine subscriptions remain active, the apps are placed in a regular (read: deleteable) folder instead. Here’s how to get started with Apple News after.

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Select your channels and topics Open the News app and you’ll be greeted with a welcome screen and link to read a disclaimer about your privacy. (Apple News collects your information only to enhance your reading suggestions within the app, and Apple “understands that the articles you read are personal,” so your reading activity is not linked to other Apple services). After you click “Get Started,” you will be asked to choose at least one channel (publisher) or topic to continue. We suggest selecting at least five to get a variety of articles and content. The channels that shot up near the top (CNN, The New York Times, BuzzFeed, etc.) were from publications that have signed up for Apple News Format, meaning their stories will have a custom layout and design.

Keep scrolling down to find more channels and topics. Topics tend to go from very general, like “Politics” and “Sports,” to highly specific, like the “Presidency of Bill Clinton” and just “Max Blumenthal,” so we’re certain you’ll be able to find something of interest. You can edit or add more channels and topics later on, so don’t freak out if you forget to add a favorite at the start. After you select your favorites, you’ll find a sign-up option to “Get News in Your Inbox.” We signed up for this when iOS 9 launched on Wednesday, but we haven’t received a News digest yet, so it must not be a daily newsletter. Browse through your custom magazine News instantly generates a customized magazine using all the sources you selected, and you’ll find this by tapping on the “For You” tab. You will see stories from The Wall Street Journal and Cosmo, side by side and updated chronologically whenever one of your favorite channels posts a new article.


I believe that not only will Apple produce iBooks for Mac, I think it will do so in a way that is well integrated with Newsstand, the new publishing push for iOS for magazine and newspaper app.