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Hi, I am developing a Excel VBA application using a.xlsx workbook as database. This database is addressed by SQL queries through an ActualTechnologies Access ODBC driver. This worked very well, given that with this evaluation driver, only 3 lines are retrieved by a query. Willing to try an alternative solution, (as suggested here: I tried and installed an Openlink driver.

As I couldn't find a driver that meet my needing, I uninstalled it. And then I upgraded my MacBook Pro from Sierra to Sierra high. I don't know if I did something wrong but now, each time I request myquerytable.refresh, Excel crashes.

Hi Jim, After having contacted the ActualTechnologies support, having followed their advice to download and install the latest driver, having removed all the code modules and userforms and reinstated them one by one with some minor corrections (some Public const.), my application works again on Windows and Mac! But now I've got a new problem. As I'm not an expert in SQL queries, I'm not sure whether my query is faulty or whether I'm facing Excel ODBC limits. In my query I need 6 table: 1 left tables joining 5 right tables in a 'FROM' clause like: 'FROM BD_Actions AC LEFT OUTER JOIN BD_Perso PE ON AC.AC_PE_INDEX = PE.PE_INDEX LEFT OUTER JOIN BD_Roles RO ON AC.AC_RO_INDEX = RO.RO_INDEX LEFT OUTER JOIN BD_Taches TA ON AC.AC_TA_INDEX = TA.TA_INDEX LEFT OUTER JOIN BD_Filieres FI ON AC.AC_FI_INDEX = FI.FI_INDEX LEFT OUTER JOIN BD_Adherents AD ON AC.AC_AD_INDEX = AD.AD_INDEX ORDER BY AC.DATE_AC;' Is it impossible or bad conceived?

I use MSQuery (on Windows for the moment, I have no Mac for testing) to control if the query works properly and it keeps to tell that there is a syntax error, until I've got only one 'LEFT OUTER JOIN' on any of the tables. It seem that the system doesn't even accept INNER JOINT instead either. Please can you help me? Thanks for your answer.

Hi Jim, After some hours of research, eventually I found the answer to my problem which seems to be rather a classic one (Multiple Join Clauses). Basically I forgot to put some JOIN clauses into parenthesis. Hence I modified the FROM clause in my previous message like this: (The indentation in not mandatory but shows more obviously where the curved brackets should be placed. The code samples given here: are not explicit enough about that. Just saying).

FROM ( ( ( (`BD_Actions$` AC LEFT OUTER JOIN `BD_Perso$` PE ON AC.AC_PE_INDEX = PE.PE_INDEX) LEFT OUTER JOIN `BD_Roles$` RO ON AC.AC_RO_INDEX = RO.RO_INDEX) LEFT OUTER JOIN `BD_Taches$` TA ON AC.AC_TA_INDEX = TA.TA_INDEX) LEFT OUTER JOIN `BD_Filieres$` FI ON AC.AC_FI_INDEX = FI.FI_INDEX) LEFT OUTER JOIN `BD_Adherents$` AD ON AC.AC_AD_INDEX = AD.AD_INDEX ORDER BY AC.DATE_AC Coded like this, my query works as intended and retrieves the data I expected. Now I hope it work as well on Mac with Actual Access ODBC Driver. Best Regards, Alain.