Mac You Don't Have Access Privileges For This Operation Itunes 2017

Nov 19, 2015  Scroll down to iTunes and expand the folder; Select iTunes by using RIGHT-CLICK with your mouse: Select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR from the resulting dropdown. Viola, problem solved. Both SYNC and BACKUP now work flawlessly.

ITunes:: 'you Do Not Have Enough Access Privileges For This Operation' Mar 17, 2012 How do I solve the issue of this message 'you do not have enough access privileges for this operation' on my iTunes? I already went to the folder of iTunes inside the Finder and change all permissions to allow read and write. No improvement at all. Info: iPhone 3G, Mac OS X (10.5.8) Similar Messages: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ADVERTISEMENT Nov 14, 2009 So prior to my snow leopard update everything was working fine. Than I installed SL and ever since than I cant down load anything at all from the store.

The message I get says the following: 'there was a problem downloading (insert name of movie or whatver here). You do not have enough access privleges for this operation Jun 27, 2012 I just install new boot disk SSD. And move home folder to HDD.

Every thing is fine. But when I open itunes this warning pops up- do not have enough access privileges for this operation. My HDD can't verify disk permissions it greys out. Perhaps that hdd is not bootable disk anymore. My new SSD disk 120GB is system boot disk now. Record loan payment in quicken for mac. Nov 17, 2009 I've done a complete re-installation af Snow Leopard. When trying to restore the library/mail folder via Time Machine i'm told: 'The operation cannot be completed because you do not have sufficient privileges for 'mail' I seems to me that i have both privileges to read and write in the folder.

I can't place the backed up files in a different folder either? I have no problems restoring my pictures and the likes from time machine? Nov 30, 2008 I have just bought a new macbook and am very pleased with it. I am having a problem with iTunes.

I have two accounts on my computer (mine and the wifes). I have an iTunes folder in my public folder which is accessed by both accounts. My wife has subscribed to some podcasts which have been placed in the folder and are visible to her account, and download onto her iphone. When I subscribe to a podcast on my account it attempts to download and then states: 'You do not have enough access privileges for this operation.' I have amended the access privileges for the folder to shared and read / write for both accounts. Aug 8, 2009 When I try to drag music into iTunes to add to my library, I get the following message: And before you ask, I already tried both repairing permissions and restarting.

Sep 3, 2014 I recently put all my itunes music on an external hard drive. Got it working ok and deleted the files on my computer thus freeing up 200Gb or so. I could still play my music ok and the playlists / covers there as expected.

Then i tried to add another album and it said unable due to my access privileges? Now my itunes is taking forever to open. 30 mins and counting. How do I change the privileges settings on my external disk for me / and administrator and do I need to do it at the music folder, the itunes folder or on itunes on my computer?