Visual Studio Make A C++ Project For Linux Windows And Mac

Long-time Slashdot reader shared some news from Microsoft's Visual C++ blog: Visual Studio 2017 now lets developers write C++ code for Linux desktops, servers, and other devices without an extension, targeting specific architectures, including ARM: Visual Studio will automatically copy and remotely build your sources and can launch your application with the debugger. Today Visual Studio only. It is not limited to specific Linux distros, but we do have dependencies on the presence of some tools. Why is it that when i drage a file into my my passport for mac itb hard drive it copies itunes.

Specifically, we need openssh-server, g++, gdb and gdbserver. I suppose when you're aiming for first post you don't have too much time to think of anything more constructive. What, framing the discussion properly is not constructive? See, if Microsoft had ever genuinely reformed, then it would indeed be unconstructive to respond to Microsoft's potentially worthy initiative in such a perjorative way.

Visual Studio Make A C++ Project For Linux Windows And Mac

But Microsoft never did reform. It is unnecessary to look any further than Microsoft's shenanigans with Windows 10 to be sure of that, just the tip of the iceberg. So, actually, 'fuck Microsoft' is a lot more constructive than you seem to believe: it helps keeps us alert to evil inte. I suppose when you're aiming for first post you don't have too much time to think of anything more constructive.

Console Application (Linux) creates a console project that is intended be compiled and debugged on a Linux machine, but where you write the code on your Windows machine using Visual Studio. In order to set up which Linux machine you will be using, you need to add via Tools > Options and navigate to Connection Manager. There has no option to create C++ project in this version and some other community members reported this suggestion to the Visual Studio Product Team, please check this: Support C++ in Visual Studio for Mac and you can vote it, then waiting for the feedback from the Visual Studio Product Team.

What, framing the discussion properly is not constructive? See, if Microsoft had ever genuinely reformed, then it would indeed be unconstructive to respond to Microsoft's potentially worthy initiative in such a perjorative way. But Microsoft never did reform. It is unnecessary to look any further than Microsoft's shenanigans with Windows 10 to be sure of that, just the tip of the iceberg. So, actually, 'fuck Microsoft' is a lot more constructive than you seem to believe: it helps keeps us alert to evil intent, should there be any, irrespective of the possibility that there might really be none in this case.

Not that I have the slightest interest in adopting Microsoft's development platform. I am perfectly happy and productive with the one I have now, the development of which is controlled by people I trust. You Microsofties would be better advised to improve your behavior instead of trying to downmod the richly earned Slashdot cricticism. I never thought I'd say this, but Microsoft may be the only organization out there that can save Linux from itself. I was a long time Linux user. I started with Yggdrasil, before moving on to other distros over the years.

I've seen Linux grow from almost nothing into a superb desktop and server OS, but I've also witnessed its steep decline since then. Linux distros peaked around 2010. Its reliability was great.

It was finally easy to install. It had excellent hardware support. It had good desktop environments. You do realize that most of the complaints you have are basically moving a Linux desktop more toward what MS has done with Windows desktop. PulseAudio bears no small resemblence to Windows Vista+ audio stack (in terms of architecture). Systemd similarly resembles the way microsoft services work, journald resembles event viewer design, networkmanager is pretty much the same way Windows does network management, dconf acts a lot like the registry.

If anything, I'd say MS is worse at many of these. As much as I object to journald, event viewer is worse.

Systemd does make some things more complex, but not nearly so much as the way microsoft handles services. Dconf is at least more straightforward and more powerful than windows registry. Visual Studio was always a MAJOR advantage of Windows Always? Vance Petree said, 'I'd crawl over an acre of 'Visual This++' and 'Integrated Development That' to get to gcc, Emacs, and gdb.