Show Grid In Powerpoint For Mac

Select your preferred grid line style from the drop-down list of options. You can choose from a range of plain solid, dotted, shadowed, dashed or decorative line styles.

Apple mac pro desktop computer Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor: Intel I find having the grid visible makes laying out my powerpoint slides much easier. But I can't see any way to make the grid visible in the 'normal' view in PowerPoint 2008. It's been a while since I've worked with PowerPoint, but it seems to me that this was possible in earlier (windows) versions. I have dug around in the 'view' menu, in the help files, and in preferences, and can't find any way to do it. Are the dynamic and static guides supposed to be some sort of replacement for the grid? If so, they are much more cumbersome.

I welcome any suggestions What do I do to make the grid visible? 23/9/2008, 20:19 น. Your recollections of other Mac & PC versions is accurate, but the feature is absent from 2008 - as for *why* I have no clue:-( I agree with your perception of the Dynamic Guides in particular. Photoshop has a similar feature which I thoroughly detest.

Use Help> Send Feedback to submit your comments on the matter. That's the source MS consults pertaining to suggestions, complaints & requests - don't expect a personal reply, but they do monitor that information. Regards :>) Bob Jones [MVP] Office:Mac On 9/6/08 6:09 PM, in article 59b58d6d.-1@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw, Jim Gordon MVP 24/9/2008, 16:29 น.

Hi Jim - On 9/24/08 7:29 PM, in article OZfS21pHJHA.4084@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl, 'Jim Gordon MVP' wrote: > Right-click on the slide background and choose Guides to turn the grid > lines on and off. That just does the same as View> Guides by making the Grid active/inactive, but the OP wants the Grid *displayed* & the other poster also wants to be able to adjust the Grid's spacing intervals. Both features have been omitted in 2008 but exist in all other versions of PC & Mac PPt. Regards :>) Bob Jones [MVP] Office:Mac Jim Gordon MVP 25/9/2008, 8:06 น.