Is Windows Or Mac Better For College

It’s that time of year: school starts soon for many college students in the US and elsewhere, and many are looking for the perfect laptop to take with them. From typing papers to entertainment, a computer is practically mandatory at most universities these days. Choosing the right computer – especially one which will hopefully last you through four years – is a difficult process. Take it from personal experience though that it is achievable: I did it myself, and so can you. Here are some tips from a college student, computer nerd, and Super User on how to choose the right college laptop for you. This is the first part in a series of articles about computers and college. Even if you aren’t a Super User yourself, this information will hopefully be helpful in making a decision. This is a pretty long, detailed post, so here’s a quick overview.

You can click on the links to hop to the detailed sections, or scroll down for the full story. Google “education store” for the computer brand of your choice and you could save hundreds of dollars. • Don’t buy bundled software with your computer. You can usually get programs like Microsoft Office and antivirus for free or at a huge discount from your University. • are the most important factors. A nicely portable laptop is usually. Student discounts can save you hundreds of dollars on hardware alone.


I'm going to college in the fall and looking into getting a macbook pro. Windows laptops are cheaper, but you'll never regret spending the. Mac and PC Matchmaking A computer isn't just your average school supply, it's your partner in crime through the next few years as you conquer college. Macs and PC’s have been going at each other for over three decades. Some users feel extremely committed to their choice of computer, as though it.

Once you have your computer, software is also available at academic prices. Many universities may provide copies of Windows, among other software, for free. Any student is eligible to purchase Microsoft software at reduced prices as well, through the. Buying software like Office and Windows will almost always be cheaper with a student discount or at your university’s bookstore than from the computer manufacturer, so don’t purchase software bundles with your computer. What makes a good college laptop? The fact of the matter is that most computers today are fast enough that it doesn’t really matter what processor, how much RAM, or how big of a hard drive you get. These things are important, and I go over them below, but the form factor and usability of your computer is much more important.

Best mac email app for gmail. Optimize the following options to your tastes, and then choose other specifications from there. Size and weight A laptop is a compromise: you want power and space to work, but you want to be able to bring it with you. During my first year of college, I found myself bringing my small and light laptop to class – and being asked if people could borrow it for a moment – far more often than my peers with big, heavy laptops that filled their bags and pained their backs. The convenience of being able to take your laptop wherever you goes outweighs having a bigger screen for most people. I’ve found that 13-14 inches is the sweet spot for college laptops. Too much smaller and you start to get into much higher prices and screens become small enough to be less useful.

Weight is more of a personal choice and depends on the laptop you get, but anything less than 5 pounds should be fine. Battery life Now that you’ve got a nice light laptop to carry around, surely you don’t want to have to bring your power charger with you everywhere, right? Battery life is also one of the most important aspects of a computer, especially when you may have to bring it to classes all day. Many computers have an option for an extended battery, which is usually a good investment.