How To Download Movies Onto A Wd My Passport For Mac

Hi again, If you backed up your XP using the WD Smartware software (that you installed on the XP), might install that same software on the New Win-7 computer and use this WD Smartware software it to copy back over your data. Once you get your data on the new machine, then you can decide whether to continue to use the Smartware software, or uninstall it and just use standard Copy commands or Drag and Drop commands to back up your data, or even the Win-7 Backup and Restore utillity built into Win-7. I don't know about the WD Smartware, but some external backup software will encrypt the data (or even the USB bridge built into the Passport) so you need the Smartware to move it back (or the Passport enclosure with the drive inside).

Western Digital's line of My Passport external hard drives make it possible for users to move large amounts of data from place to place more easily. The hard drive connects to the computer via a USB cable that comes with the device, and appears in your Computer window under Devices with Removable Storage.

Anyway, install the WD utilities on your new computer, and see if all the files are visible for use and copying over to the new Win-7.

This article explains how files can be moved or copied to a different hard drive on a Mac computer.*END The most common method of copying or moving a file or folder from one drive to another on a Mac would be to open both the source drive and destination drive from the desktop. Drives formatted to NTFS (Windows) format are read only on a Mac, to be able to be read and write to a drive on a MAC it must be formatted within the macOS. Please see Move Files: To Move the file or folder from the source drive to the destination drive, click and hold down the mouse button on the file or folder. The file or folder will be highlighted. Then, while holding the control button on your keyboard, drag the file or folder from the source drive window to the destination drive window and let go of the mouse button. The file or folder will disappear from the source drive and will now only be found on the destination drive. Note: In the example below we will be copying a picture from the desktop to an external My Book drive.

Your particular layout may look different but the concept is the same. Sort by color in excel for mac free. • Open the location where the file is stored and open the location where you want to copy the file to. • Right-click on the file that you want to copy and choose Copy '[Item Name]'. If you don't have the ability to right-click, hold down the Control key and left mouse click the file.

• Go to where you want to copy the file to and right-click on a blank spot in the window and choose Paste Item. If you don't have the ability to right-click, hold down the Control key and left mouse click the file.

• There should now be a copy of the file in the destination. In case the answer did not answer your question, you can always visit the for help from WD users.