Google Dns Server For Mac

DNS servers help to fetch the correct IP address of the URLs requested from a client computer. All browsers like Safari, Chrome or Firefox running on a client computer by default use the DNS server settings of the Internet Service Provider (ISP). Sometimes it is necessary to change the default DNS servers in order to ensure unrestricted, safe and fast surfing experience. This also will help to resolve IP related problems like browser and helps the sites load faster. This article explains the step by step process of how to change DNS servers IP addresses in Apple macOS High Sierra. We use servers in this example, while you can use any reliable DNS. Step 1 – Open Network Settings Click on the Apple icon on the top left corner of your Mac and go to “System Preferences” option.

Google Dns Server For Mac

Alternatively press “Command + Spacer bar” to open spotlight search box and search for “system preference”. Click on the “System Preference” application. Enable Edit Option in Mac Network Settings • Select the active connection. • Click on the “Click the lock to make changes” option. Provide your administrator password and enable edit options. • Click on the “Advanced” button. Step 3 – Changing DNS Server Addresses Navigate to DNS tab where you can see the default DNS servers assigned by your ISP in the box.

Domain Name Servers—often abbreviated as DNS—help you resolve web addresses on your computer. By default, your Mac uses the DNS servers provided by your ISP and loads domains and web pages accordingly. These servers, however, are editable and you can adjust them to however. If you want to change your current DNS server to Google Public DNS, you will need to change your IP addresses to and Google Public DNS also provides support for IPv6 connectivity so if you meet the necessary requirements for setting up an IPv6 connection, you will have to alter your IP address accordingly.

Select the default DNS servers and click on the – button to remove them. Again click on + button and add your own DNS server details. Here we have shown commonly used Google’s public DNS servers as: Primary server – Secondary server –

You might be accessing a non-responsive DNS server, or using an invalid DNS configuration. A DNS server converts a name (such as to a numerical IP address (such as

You can connect to an IP address without any delay, because the need for DNS resolution is avoided. Here are four scenarios in which the symptom could occur: • You have specified two or more DNS servers in the Network preference pane, possibly at the direction of a network administrator or your ISP (Internet Service Provicer), but the first server on the list is incorrect or not responding. The delay occurs while your Mac waits for the first server to respond, before it tries the next DNS server in your list. Make sure the DNS addresses are entered correctly. Changing the order of DNS addresses might improve performance.

If your network administrator prefers that the primary server be used, you can change back to the original order after the issue is resolved with the primary server. • Your network might be configured to provide automatic discovery of DNS service, without requiring you to manually enter the DNS server addresses at your computer. If you manually entered a DNS address that is incorrect or out of date, your computer might wait for the incorrect address to respond (a 'timeout') before succeeding at automatic discovery. • You haven't specified a DNS server, and automatic discovery of the service is not provided on your network. In this scenario, you can connect only via an IP address.

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