Formatting A Usb On A Pc For A Mac

• Launch Disk Utility, located in /Applications/Utilities. • Tip: Disk Utility is a handy app to have easily available, so we recommend. • From the left-hand pane, which contains a list of drives and volumes connected to your Mac, select the drive you wish to format. (Drives are the top-level devices, with volumes appearing indented and below the drives. Drives also have a disclosure triangle next to them that can be used to reveal or hide the volume information.) • The selected drive’s information will be displayed, including a partition map, capacity, and S.M.A.R.T.

Jul 5, 2017 - But, if you plan on using an external drive with both Macs and PCs, you. So how do you know if your USB drive is using the right format? I have a SanDisk Cruser drive that was formatted for a Mac and now I want to use it for a PC (and I don't have access to the Mac. How do I format a usb drive on a PC that was formatted on a Mac? Ask Question 99. Browse other questions tagged windows-7 formatting or ask your own question. 7 years, 8 months ago.

• Click the Erase button at the top of the Disk Utility window, or select Erase from the Edit menu. • A panel will drop down, warning you that erasing the selected drive will destroy all data on the drive. It will also allow you to name the new volume you're about to create. Select the format type and partition map scheme to use (see below). • In the Erase panel, enter the new name for the volume you're about to create.

• In the Erase panel, use the drop-down Format field to select from the following: • OS X Extended (Journaled) • OS X Extended (Case-sensitive, Journaled) • OS X Extended (Journaled, Encrypted) • OS X Extended (Case-sensitive, Journaled, Encrypted) • MS-DOS (FAT) • ExFat • OS X Extended (Journaled) is the default Mac file system, and the most common choice. The others are used in specific circumstances that we won’t go into in this basic guide. • In the Erase panel, use the drop-down Scheme field to select the: • GUID Partition Map • Master Boot Record • Apple Partition Map • GUID Partition Map is the default selection and will work for all Macs using Intel processors. The other two choices are for specific needs that, once again, we won’t be going into at this time.

Make your selection. • In the Erase panel, after you have made all of your selections, click the Erase button. • Disk Utility will erase and format the selected drive, resulting in a single volume being created and mounted on your Mac’s desktop. • Click the Done button.

I bought a usb 16g from photo co. I was using my mac. Best mac app for editing pdf. I had to remove a folder to create more room. But, the used space was somehow still on there. So we reformatted on mac, but client couldn't view. I put usb back in mac and reformatted FAT 32.

Brought to my pc, could not open it. It only wanted to format usb. Sooo, I transferred all of those photos back on mac and now want to reformat so that others can use on their computers. I don't know which one to plug in Fat (default)? AND, do I put in 8192 bytes or 4096.confused to say the least:P.