Portal 2 Free Download For Mac Without Steam

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3 July, 2017 - _galaxy Heya guys! Long time no see right? Well I've been busy for the [image.prntscr.com], but let's get this out of the way. With Greenlight nearly coming to an end, let's remind ourselves at how the great things it did for us. The only way people had to play mods was to go to some download page and install it manually on steam (great system btw, had it's own folder on the steamapps). While that might sound easy for the most part, there where people who just didn't knew you could actually install mods on steam, not to mention the steam pipe update which just broke everything.

Portal 2 draws from the award-winning formula of innovative gameplay, story, and music that earned the original Portal over 70 industry accolades and created a cult following. The single-player portion of Portal 2 introduces a cast of dynamic new characters, a host of fresh puzzle elements, and a much larger set of devious test chambers.

And then came greenlight. Altough it was yes a door for many horrible games, controversies and the monthly steam drama fest, it did actually a lot of good. Many indie developers finally had a chance of putting their game onto what is the marketplace for any PC gamer.

And mods benefited from that. People that didn't even knew that mods existed, didn't know how to install them or just didn't knew how to fix a broken mod finally had a chance to play more of their favorite games.

The influx of people mods got after this was HUGE, many youtubers making let's plays of mods and a easy way to finally play them. There was even the case of PS: Mel that won a award at the Games Awards 2015. A lot of mods benefited from it too. Without requiring the base game installed, people didn't have to worry about any errors since valve helped make the mod being considered an actual game (for steam), allowing things such as workshop implementation and achievements.

So, with the end of greenlight, what this means for us? Steam Direct is the all new system, which will let you put any game on steam for $100 and Valve's approval. The $100 fee is nothing after all the work you and your team could have put on your mod, and the fee can be split up anyway. But it isn't about the fee, the new system will actually mean a better gateway for new games and mods.

With a ton of great mods coming up however, you guys will have to find a new source for new mods. This collection won't be updated anymore since mods won't be getting on greenlight anymore. I do have a few websites you guys can check though - As far as I can remember the longest running Portal 1 & 2 community.

Not only they have the most talented people, they also have all the people from the community. Not to mention the HUGE database of maps for both games on the series, the best source to download single maps all around. And have a great time too! They're great people. - not only for the portal fan, moddb for me was the way to go for any mod of valve games. They don't have any curation, but you can freely explore all the mods in a large list, and with a few filters you already have a huge download list to make use of. Moddb also has a few mods that people didn't even hear about, which I loved to discover and play them by myself.

Did you know portal has a chinese mod that let's you use a phone? It's great btw. Well guys I guess that it. Vlc converter for mac

I'll be seeing ya all around, but don't think this means anything to the portal community. In fact, this won't change pretty much anything! People will keep making mods and you guys will keep enjoying them. Just through a better method! See ya around, _Galaxy EDIT: In case you wanna talk with the people of the thinking with portals forum, also check their discord.