Excel For Mac Save As Pdf

I am trying to have a Macro save an Excel 2007 spreadsheet as a PDF (I have the Save as PDF or XPS installed.) How can I get the file name to save as 2 cells concatenated? Windows media player where is it. I am working with the following code so far. Any help greatly appreciated.

In Windows Excel 97-2016 and in Mac Excel 2011 you can open files or save files where you want in almost every folder on your system without warnings or requests for permission. But in Mac Office 2016 Microsoft have to deal with Apple’s sandbox requirements. Just choose Acrobat as your printer, and 'print' the worksheet to a pdf file. AIR member Bamby also mentioned this capability. Also, if you are using a Mac, creating a pdf from Excel is built into Mac OS X. In the Print Dialog box, just choose 'Save as PDF' from the PDF popup menu.

Sub Macro4() ' ' Macro4 Macro ' ' ChDir 'C: Documents and Settings igreenberg Desktop' Workbooks.Open Filename:= _ 'C: Documents and Settings igreenberg Desktop p21.xls' Windows('PriceSheet2.xlsm').Activate Workbooks.Open Filename:='C: Price Sheet Template (Distributors).xltx', _ Editable:=True ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:= _ 'Y: Quotes 2010 Price Sheets Sample.pdf', Quality _:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _ OpenAfterPublish:=True Windows('p21.xls').Activate ActiveWorkbook.Close ActiveWorkbook.Close End Sub.