Drop Down Doesnt Pop Up Word For Mac 2018

Create a drop-down list. Pcie usb card for mac pro. Excel for Office 365 Excel for Office 365 for Mac Excel 2019 Excel 2016 Excel 2019 for Mac Excel 2013 Excel 2010 Excel 2007 If you want a message to pop up when someone enters something that's not in your list, check the Show error alert after invalid data is entered box.

Hi, What is the OS X Version and what is the Word 2016 version? Please make sure both are the latest version and then check if this issue continues. Did you get any error message when it failed to save or save as? Does the issue occur when creating and saving a new file or only when editing and trying to save an existing file? Does this issue happen to other Office programs, such as Excel or PowerPoint? In addition, some users were able to fix a similar issue via uninstalling and then reinstalling Office, you may also have try. Please let me know the result.

Regards, Steve Fan TechNet Community Support Please mark the reply as an answer if you find it is helpful. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact. OS X and Word are all latest versions with most current updates. No error messages, just doesn't save or save as. Sometimes it will give me a save pop-up when I close the document, but not always. It is both saving a new file and editing existing files. I tried to covert the documents before trying to save to see if that helped, it did not.

I don't use excel or powerpoint, but I tried them for this purpose and things saved fine. I literally just installed this program a month ago, I have already uninstalled and reinstalled.

Still not working. Same problem. Happens intermittently, but resolves itself when I restart Word and the computer. At the moment, I have a document with lots of track changes and comments that isn't saving and I didn't realize it until hours later. While I can restart the computer to get Word to cooperate again, I need a way to save this file before I do that. I can copy and paste it into TextEdit and save that way, but then I'll lose all of the track change and comments information. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Having the same problem with Word Version 15.36, and OS X Sierra 10.12.5. Clicking 'Save' or 'Save As' brings up the spinning color wheel while word freezes for about 30 seconds, then the app unfreezes, but nothing's saved and there's no Save As dialog box.

I was able to copy and paste my document into TextEdit, close Word (agreeing that I didn't want to save my work), then reopen Word, paste back into my document and save. Clearly a bug that's affecting a decent number of users, and has been for over 6-months. Just had the same issue—unable to save a document. I had made one successful save when I first created the document and there were only a few lines in it.

When I was having trouble saving after that and when I was finished with the 2-page document, I checked Quick Look and only those original few lines were there. I copied and pasted my entire document to an email to myself (I wasn't using Track Changes). Then quit Word. When I reopened Word, I selected File/Recents and opened the document. It was there in its entirety, apparently having been saved without my knowing. Now I've started a second document, did a Save As, then added to it, and then successfully used Save.

Drop down doesn

Adding a drop-down menu to a primary or introductory slide is a good way to give viewers a bit of control over a self-running presentation. You can spend a lot of time programming objects, or you can use animation. The latter is easier to implement and doesn't require the skill level that programming does. The technique is simple really: You combine AutoShapes to build a drop-down menu type group. Then, you add a bit of animation so that the drop-down menu's submenus seem to drop down from a main menu when clicked. The example in this article, which you can build in 10 easy steps, is simple by design, so as not to confuse the technique with the possibilities.