Creating Shortcut For Kodi On Mac

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88 Shares There are some great Kodi keyboard shortcuts you should know to make your life easier and make navigating Kodi easier. Read on below for Kodi tips. For those that use a keyboard and not a basic remote, there are some great Kodi keyboard shortcuts you can use to make your life easier and make navigating Kodi a breeze.

Once you use these once or twice, they are very natural so work on just mastering a few at a time and make navigating Kodi easy. Best Kodi Keyboard Shortcuts • R – Rewind Kodi. Press it a few times to rewind 2x, 4x, 8x, and so on.- • F – Fast forward Kodi. Again, press it repeatedly to quicken the pace. • P – Play your video back to regular speed. • S – Stop your video. • Spacebar – Toggle between pausing and playing your video • + – Increase your Kodi volume.

Kodi full screen keyboard shortcut

• – – Decrease your Kodi volume •  – Toggle Kodi full screen and window. Very handy when you are multitasking, switch from full screen to window and back.- • T – Toggle subtitles in Kodi on and off. Mupen64 emulator mac. • Escape – Exit screen or go back to the Kodi home menu. • A – Kodi audio out of sync? Use A to adjust the audio track over the video to line up the video and audio tracks. • S – Quickly shutdown Kodi from its power menu no matter what screen you are in. Have another Kodi keyboard shortcut to tell us about?

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Outlook 11 for mac hyperlinks don't open. Note 2: There is no need to change this setting for Outlook 2003 as Outlook 2003 will ALWAYS open links in a new window. Very annoying if you ask me. Follow these instructions to change this behavior and let the link open in a new window. Ever had that when you are reading a webpage a new mail arrives that has a link in it and when you click on it it opens in the window you were just reading? Note 1: This behavior will change for all applications (not just Outlook) from which you open a link.

Probably the best thing about using an Android device is that you can customise it to your heart’s desires. Android gives you the ability to transform your device into something which you can truly call your own by allowing you to change everything from its looks to its functionality. When it comes to customising my own personal device, I spend most of my time and energy on adding functionality rather than the looks. I am always on the search for features that can make my device more functional and easy to use.

My goal is to be able to access all my apps and functions using as fewer taps as possible. So, you can understand how excited I was when Android included long press to show app shortcuts function with the. But, my happiness was short-lived as most of the shortcuts were pretty basic with little to no usage. Well, not anymore, because, in today’s article, I am going to show you how to create custom shortcuts for long-press action on apps on your Android device.

Note: I have used OnePlus 3 running on Android 7.1.1 to create this tutorial. However, any device running Android 4.1 or above can access this feature. Requirements Before we start customising our Android device, we will need to install two apps, to get the ability to customise the app shortcuts. One is a famous launcher app while the other one, although not that popular, is a pretty awesome app and is basically the heart of the process required to enable and use the above-said feature. • Nova Launcher (Beta 5.4) Every new version of Android brings tons of new cool features, however, only a minuscule percentage of all the active Android devices receive the update on time. That’s why Nova launcher is so popular, because, it integrates those features and brings them to the devices running on older firmware. For today’s tutorial too, we will need the help of Nova Launcher.

However, the stable version of the Nova Launcher which is available on the Play Store will not work. Since this feature is new, currently you can only utilize it by installing its latest beta (v5.4). You can install the beta version of Nova launcher either by registering to “Become a Tester” by visiting page and logging in with your Google account, or, by downloading and installing the APK file provided by Nova on their. • Sesame Shortcuts This is the app which will help you create custom app shortcuts by integrating with Nova Launcher. Head over to the Play Store link given below to download and install the app. The app has a free trial period, after which either you can buy the app or enjoy its functionality with subtle reminders asking you to buy the app.