Command Function For Strokes On Mac Photoshop

Dec 17, 2018 - PhotoshopImage editing and design Lightroom CCThe cloud-based photo service. Many keyboard shortcuts appear next to the command names in menus. Result, Keyboard shortcut on macOS, Keyboard shortcut on Windows. Option-Scrollwheel,; Option-swipe (Magic Mouse); Pinch in (trackpad).

Saw Richard's explanation, but I wasn't sure if you wanted the stroke to be on the mask itself, instead of in a different layer. This method is not 'live' the way a layer style would be, but it will get the job done. Being able to put layer styles on masks would be cool. ---- 1) click on layer mask thumbnail in the layers palette so it's active (it'll have a black stroke around 2) Command(mac) / Control(PC) click on the mask icon to load it as a selection. 3) Go to Edit > Stroke, and set pixel value and color and stroke location.

---- This method will get you a hard edged stroke. Take a detour after step 2 above and follow the below instructions for a soft, feathered stroke.

3) With mask selection loaded (marching ants visible), open Paths palette and select Save as Work Path from the flyout menu 4) In Paths palette, select Stroke Path from flyout menu. Select tool you want to stroke with (paintbrush for a softer stroke). Your path will be stroked with the tool you choose, using the current settings (color, brush, brush size), so you really need to get your brush size worked out before you stroke the path. Usually takes some trial and error.

I'm currently using Word 2011. I think what I want is called a hanging indent. From there, I clicked on 'Indents and Spacing'. How to do hanging indent for word cited on mac word. I've gotten this to work before, although, I don't remember the version of Microsoft office from before so that might be the 'solution'. This is what I want: 8/5 tab indented txt (i hit tab to indent it) 2nd tab indented txt (cursor lined up under 't' in the previous line after I hit enter) 8/6 tab indented txt (i hit tab to indent it) 2nd tab indented txt (this txt is lined up with the previous line when I hit enter) 3rd tab indented txt (this txt is lined up with the previous line when I hit enter) 8/7 tab indented txt (i hit tab to indent it) 2nd tab indented txt (this txt is lined up with the previous line when I hit enter) I went to the Format->Paragraph menu.

Animation Panel (Timeline Mode, PS extended) Space Start playing the timeline or Animation panel Option+click the current-time display in the upper-left corner of the timeline. Switch between timecode and frame numbers (current time view) Option+click on list triangles Expand and collapse list of layers Hold down the Shift key when clicking the next/previous Frame buttons (on either side of the Play button). Jump to the next/previous whole second in timeline Hold down the Shift key while dragging the current time. Increase playback speed Hold down the command key while dragging the current time.

Layers Panel Command+click layer thumbnail Load layer transparency as a selection Command+ Shift+click layer thumbnail. Add to current selection Command+ Option+click layer thumbnail. Subtract from current selection Command+ Shift+ Option+click layer thumbnail. Intersect with current selection Command+click filter mask thumbnail Load filter mask as a selection Command+ G Group layers command- Shift+ G Ungroup layers command- option+ G Create/release clipping mask Command+ Option+ A Select all layers Command+ Shift+ E Merge visible layers Option+click New Layer button Create new empty layer with dialog box Command+click New Layer button Create new layer below target layer Option+. 3D tools (PS Extended) N Enable 3D camera tools Option+ Command+ X Hide nearest surface Option+ Shift+ Command+ X Show all surfaces Ctrl+click / Option Change between Rotate, Roll, Drag, Slide, and Scale 3D Object Tool Shift Scale on the Y plane ▲ up 21.

Measurement (PS Extended) Shift+ Command+ M Record a measurement Command+ D Deselects all measurements Command+ A Selects all measurements Shift+ Command+ H Hide/show all measurements Delete Removes a measurement Arrow Keys Nudge the measurement Shift+ Arrow Keys Nudge the measurement in increments Command+ Arrow Left/ Arrow Right Extend/shorten selected measurement Shift+ Command+ Arrow Left/ Arrow Right Extend/shorten selected measurement in increments Command+ up/down arrow key Rotate selected measurement ▲ up 22. DICOM files (PS Extended) Z Zoom tool H Hand tool W Window Level tool Command+ A Select all frames Command+ D Deselect all frames except the current frame Arrow Keys Navigate through frames ▲ up 23. Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in).