Better For Video Editing Mac Or Pc

I have been a PC user since 1995ish. I have heard before that Macs are better for photo and video editing (faster, easier etc etc). I wonder in the year 2010/2011 if such thing is still true? I sometimes have wedding gigs. But this time it is stalled, and I have a real job. The wedding gigs I do them to supplement this photographic passion. You can check my website if you like.

My PC has more software issues with photoshop than the mac does. Like I said, I use both but use the mac 99% of the time for photo editing. I have Photoshop, Lightroom, Aperture, and Capture NX.

My 17 inch HP lap top HP Pavilion DV7-1245 is a little bit slow for photo editing. And especially for video editing. I have seen the 27 inch imacs on display at a local bestbuy and I am just blown away by the graphics/LED backlit monitor. It is either I am having Monitor envy.or I just need a 27 inch monitor (for $400 only) or I just want this $2000 iMac. Without talking about $$$ is mac better for photo and video editing or PC will do?

MAC is easier, that is the claim and I for one will tell you that is a load of (^&*^%#@. I use MAC and Windows computers side by side every day at work as well as in my personal life and it is the software that determines ease of use not the computer. Just one example Photoshop is Photoshop it is no easier on the MAC or the PC, in fact the only difference between the two versions is the layout and location of the menus and tool bars etc. Is the MAC better? Is it different? Yes and for many that difference makes them easier to use.

However there is not one shred of actual scientific evidence that proves the MAC is easier. Another of the many things I do is teach in the computer lab at the retirement center where my mom lives. Most of this is teaching people who have never used a computer before how to use them. The computer lab has MAC and Windows computers provided by local businesses and to be fair we require all people to learn both systems. Some people start on the MAC and find Windows more to there liking and some start on Windows and find the MAC is better and in that lies the truth of the whole MAC is better argument.

There are MAC people and there are Windows people the real trick is knowing or dicovering which you are. To answwer something that will come from the MAC people yes you can run Windows on a new Pentium based MAC, my response is this, if you have to run Windows software to do what you want/need to do then why spend the extra money for a MAC to start with? And that brings is back to the last part of this post. Based on my 20 plus years of MAC and Windows experience you can figure that a MAC will cost at least 1/3 to 1/2 more than an equivelent Windows based system.

So the bottom line to me is this. Google cloud print driver for mac. MAC are excellent computers and for many people they are the BEST computer and I have no trouble recommending them to anyone, unless there is a software availability issue to deal with.

The flip side of that coin is that Windows machines are significantly less expensive, they are easier to find parts and service for, they are easier to find software help for, and by a huge margin they have more software available and that software is easier to get and generally less expensive. I can't answer your question asking whether Macs or PCs are better for viewing and editing photos. I have heard that Macs are better and many many photographers use Macs. I use a Mac Book Pro with an external big Apple Cinema Display monitor. However, my lab tells me that Macs are not great for seeing the 'true' color and exposure of photos. Not sure I agree but it's a very good professional lab. It may be like the Nikon v.