Best Synchronization Software For Mac

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***NOTE: please contact us with any problem. We have been supporting this application for 9 years. We can work with you to resolve any problem. FULLY COMPATIBLE WITH macOS Sierra (10.12). The real true bidirectional synchronization tool!

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Best Synchronization Software For Mac

Many other synchronization apps here use the Unix tool rsync to do their job but they can't offer bidirectional sync. Ask them before buying, you'll see! File Synchronization synchronizes multiple pairs of folders or files. It has been designed to be easy to use: choose 2 folders to synchronize then click the Synchronize button and you're done! However, there are multiple options when your needs get a little more complicated. The interface is easy to use and the application is quick to do any synchronization that you might need. 3 different synchronization modes to use depending on what you want to achieve: • Automatic mode: whenever the content of one of the folder you synchronize changes, the synchronization is performed so you can be sure that the 2 folders are always synchronized.

You set it once and then forget about it • Repeat mode: the synchronization is performed at a regular interval that you set in the preferences. Good when you're constantly making changes and don't want the folders to be continuously synchronized • Manual mode: whenever you want to perform the synchronization, you select the pair in the list and click Synchronize. Ideal if you synchronize a folder that is on a remote volume that might not always be available 2 different synchronization directions: • Bidirectional: changes in both folders that are synchronized are duplicated in both folders.

Best when changes can occur in each folder that you synchronize • Unidirectional: changes that occur in one of the folder you synchronize are duplicated in the other folder. If you want to have an exact backup of a folder, that's the synchronization mode to use. • Fixes a bug that would occur with a uni-directional synchronization on certain type of disk where when the copy would be performed, File Synchronization would invert the source and the destination in the progress dialog • Fixes a display problem where the progress dialog would get random lines of text in it if you are using a mouse with a scroll wheel and would scroll the list of pairs under the progress dialog • Fixes a problem where if you were to perform a synchronization and nothing would need to be replaced, the last synchronization date would not be updated • 1.6.3 Aug 27, 2012. Added 'Show Growl Notifications' checkbox to Interface preferences. By default, it is off so no notifications will appear unless you explicitly turn it on, even if you have Growl installed. - Replaced the dialog sheet that was causing the application's icon to jump in the dock if the synchronization was performed while the application was in the background. Now, the view showing the progress is always visible, even when the app is in the background and doesn't cause any icon jumping.

- Fixed a problem where the application would not find the proper destination to sync with some volumes. The application would report that all the files in one of the folder were missing but would fail to copy them because it was trying to copy them to a non-existing destination. - Switched to more modern functions to copy items, insuring greater reliability and better error reporting.

- Enhanced the filtering so that filters based on name will filter out any folder that satisfies the filter, reducing the time for the analysis for modified items. - Fixed a problem where the log would not be created if the application would crash before the end of the synchronization. Now, the log is created and the sync operations are written immediately to it. In the event that the application crashes, the log will still contain valuable information. - Fixed a problem with the Chinese localization where the application would crash as soon as a synchronization was performed. - Removed the 'Log extra debugging info' from the Log preferences.

Now, all the logs contain all the information needed to troubleshoot a problem. - Corrected a few incorrect URLs. • 1.6.2 Feb 7, 2012. In Source-dominant (or Destination-dominant) mode with 'Delete orphaned files' option set, a Destination (Source) file that was deleted by the user in Preview because of a conflict (red X) resulted in the original Source (Destination) file being marked for deletion (trash can icon) on Synchronization. This potentially caused both files to be deleted. - Corrects a bug where if you were trying to synchronize 2 folders on the same disk and if one of the folder had the beginning of the name of the other folder, there would be errors for some files in that folder and some items wouldn't be copied. - Improves the copy of files on remote volumes by letting the system decides what the permissions should be for copied items.