Why Are All My Excel For Mac Files Coming Up As Read Only

Helen Bradley - MS Office Tips, Tricks and Tutorials I'm a lifestyle journalist and I've been writing about office productivity software for a long time. Here you'll find handy hints, tips, tricks, techniques and tutorials on using software as diverse as Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access and Publisher from Microsoft and other applications that I love. My publishing credits include PC Magazine, Windows XP mag, CNet, PC User mag, SmallbusinessComputing.com, Winplanet and Sydney Morning Herald. This is useful to know, but I am looking for the opposite solution. I want to print the lot of worksheets but not as a single pdf. Alcoholics anonymous app for mac For one or two sheets it is ok to print pdf one by one, but even this becomes annoying when you realise there was slight error and you adjust and reprint – each one again, never mind to do this for hundred worksheets. I would like to be able to print out several worksheets as pdf in one go but separate files.

Additionally I do not want to have to name each worksheet pdf being saved, as Excel is using the same name for each sheet, which is the ‘filename’ itself – Also annoying. ‘Filename_worsheet’ would be good. Is there a way to do this. Additionally to take this a step further I would like to be able to set a default print directory for each worksheet.

Excel files open in Read Only format some of the time. Best I can figure is it happens if 1) I open it from a networked computer or 2) I haven't opened the When opening an excel file that was created on a Windows machine in.xls format on Excel for Mac 2011, an error message pops up saying: 'File.

This would save me a MASSIVE amount of effort and time.