Wd My Cloud App For Mac

How to setup your My Cloud via computer (Advanced) • Power up the My Cloud device • Connect your My Cloud device to your router • Access the My Cloud device web Dashboard. How To Upgrade To My Cloud OS 3 From the My Cloud mobile application • Launch your My Cloud Mobile application • Follow on-screen instructions From your computer • Access the My Cloud Dashboard. To open your My Cloud Dashboard: • Windows: Open a web browser and type in //devicename (or device IP address) to the web address bar • Mac OSX: Open a web browser and type in //devicename.local (or device IP address) to the web address bar • Click on the settings option on the top menu • Select the firmware tab • Select the ‘check for update button’ From the My Cloud desktop application • Launch your My Cloud desktop application • Follow on-screen instructions • How to Upload files to your My Cloud. How to upload files to your My Cloud Once you've physically connected your My Cloud device, use the following steps to access the Public folder. To upload a file: Windows 8/8.1/10: • On the Start page, type Computer • Click Computer. • In the left pane, click Network. • Double-click the My Cloud device and locate the device’s Public folder • Double-click the Public folder.

Matthew Bennion, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, takes you through setting up your My Cloud on a Mac computer. From plugging in to running, this video will show you how easy it can be to install.

$ diskutil list /dev/disk0 #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *240.1 GB disk0 1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1 2: Apple_HFS ZigguratSSD 238.1 GB disk0s2 3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk0s3 /dev/disk2 #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: FDisk_partition_scheme *8.1 GB disk2 1: Linux 16.4 MB disk2s1 2: Linux 98.7 MB disk2s2 I would like to make a backup image of this pen. I have a bootable USB. Boot osx from usb drive. The size of USB pen is 8Gb, and linux partitions take less than 200Mb. $ diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2 Unmount of all volumes on disk2 was successful $ sudo dd of=bckup.img if=/dev/disk2 bs=50+0 records in 15769600+0 records out bytes transferred in 1132.003040 secs (7132521 bytes/sec) This way I get 8Gb backup file. It runs Linux.

You can now drag and drop files into (and from) the Public folder using Windows Explorer Windows 7 • Click the Windows icon and click Network, or Start > Computer > Network • Double-click the My Cloud device and locate the device’s Public folder • Double-click the Public folder. You can now drag and drop files into (and from) the Public folder using Windows Explorer Mac OS X • In a Finder window, Click the My Cloud device under the shared items in the side bar. • If presented with an authorization page, enter your Username and Password or select Guest and click Connect to display the Public share. • Double-click the Public folder. You can now drag and drop files into (and from) the Public folder using Finder. • How to Access & share your files from My Cloud.com. How To Access & Share Your Files From Mycloud.com To access files from any compatible web browser: • Go to www.mycloud.com • Log in with a MyCloud.com account credentials To share files from any compatible web browser: • Right click the item you would like to share and select the ‘Share’ option • Select ‘Send a link’ if you would like to create and share an email with a link that can be forwarded and shared • Select ‘Send a private link’ if you would like to create and share an email that requires a MyCloud.com account.

This provides more control over access to the files • You can also select to allow the user to edit the file or not To manage and access shared files: • Click on ‘Shared’ • To see files that others have shared with you, Select Shared with me • To see files you have shared with other people, select Shared with others • Access to files shared can be revoked here • How to Access & share your files from My Cloud mobile apps. How To Access & Share Files From The My Cloud Mobile Apps The My Cloud mobile application is available for both iOS and Android. • Download the My Cloud mobile application from your smart devices app store • If this is the first time installing or using the application, you will need to log into your MyCloud.com account • A list of devices available to add to your My Cloud app will be displayed.