Publisher View In Word For Mac Removed

Publisher View In Word For Mac Removed

I went from a Windows to an iMac. I had tons of documents from MS Office that I had to transfer to the iMac and for the most part it was pretty easy. I didn't want to buy MS Office for Mac, so I downloaded Apache OpenOffice, which seemed to take all of my Word and Excel documents perfectly fine. Kies app for mac.

The problem was the Publisher ones. I discovered that Publisher has it's own special format and there was no other program to open and edit it.

Feb 04, 2013  Every time I click on the text that I want to edit, it disappears and I have to write everything all over again. If I click out of the text-box without writing anything inside of it, or if I press 'escape' the text comes right back like before. I tried switching from Publisher view to Print view and the problem persisted.

I did find a website that converted the format to something I could use, so I tried that, but when I opened the document, everything was messed up. Things like pictures were out of order and stuff got moved around to a different location during the reformatting. It's going to be a time consuming process to fix it.

My question(s) is: Is there another program out there that will keep my document intact and allow me to edit as it was before? Anything thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Assuming these are actually gridlines turn on the drawing Toolbar, click the Draw button & select Grid., then clear the checkbox near the bottom of the Drawing Grid dialog window. If that isn't the solution they are some other type of lines so we'll need more detail about them as well as which version of Word you're using. HTH :>) Bob Jones [MVP] Office:Mac On 1/17/08 8:03 PM, in article ee890b6.-1@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw, ' wrote: > I want to get rid of the grid lines in the print layout view where I correct > student papers. They are distracting and ugly. 18/1/2008, 17:23 น.

Full Specifications General Publisher Publisher web site Release Date December 06, 2006 Date Added December 06, 2006 Version 1 Category Category Subcategory Operating Systems Operating Systems Windows 3.x/95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista Additional Requirements Windows 3.x/95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista, Java Development Kit 1.2 Download Information File Size 22.33KB File Name Popularity Total Downloads 16,273 Downloads Last Week 72 Pricing License Model Free Limitations Not available Price Free. Textedit mac for java.

Hi Caroline - Never been to Hoboken, although I had an uncle who lived near Camden:-) In Word 2008 go to View> Toolbars & select Drawing. On that toolbar you'll find a Grid Options button which elicits a dialog window where you'll find the checkbox I referred to in the previous reply: Display gridlines on screen.

Clear the check to turn the gridlines off. This, however, is a document-specific setting, so you'll have to do the same for any doc you open if it has the grid showing. Save the file once you turn off the grid to avoid having it reappear the next time the file is opened. Your original message indicated that this was a problem with docs received from students, so you might want to pass the instruction on to them to turn the grid off before submitting the doc. Your more recent post suggests that the grid is appearing in new blank doc you're creating as well.

If that's the case, when you go into the Grid Options as described above click the Default button & confirm the change after you clear the checkbox. Should the drawing grid prove to not be the problem we'll need a more vivid description of what this 'grid' looks like & exactly where it's positioned. HTH :>) Bob Jones [MVP] Office:Mac On 1/18/08 8:23 PM, in article ee890b6.1@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw, 11/2/2008, 14:04 น. Hi Dennis - All I can tell you is that I've never seen Word 'mysteriously' apply the grid in any version nor have I seen any reports of such behavior.

I can only conclude that the users are turning the grid on. Not to appear jaded, but there is another [valid] implication here other than that a number of students just happened to start using the grid & leaving it on. You may be getting separate copies of the *same paper* as a result of the file having been passed around & nobody knows how to turn the grid *off*:-) Regards :>) Bob Jones [MVP] Office:Mac On 2/11/08 5:04 PM, in article ee890b6.3@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw, 'Dennis Phillip Jones 13/2/2008, 10:34 น. No you have showing in 'Notebook' view and did you save it while in that view.

2004 if you created a document in Notebook view (short for school notebook would have lines across and one or two line down next to where you would punch the Holes to put in a notebook. Anything created in that view would be saved in that view. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Phillip M. Jones, CET LIFE MEMBER: VPEA ETA-I, NESDA, ISCET, Sterling 616 Liberty Street Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868 Martinsville Va 24112 , ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If it's 'fixed', don't 'break it'!